Your Questions Answered – Is a Hair Transplant Permanent?

Your Questions Answered – Is a Hair Transplant Permanent?

Aesthetics is an industry that continues to grow and develop, with many treatments available for the face and body, including hair transplant procedures. Many people ask themselves; is a hair transplant permanent? AHI Clinic is an aesthetics clinic in South Woodford that focuses on hair restoration, as well as improving the appearance of the face. It’s medically led by Dr Waqas Chaudhary (a specialist hair transplant surgeon) who recognises the role hair loss plays in making a person feel unhappy with their appearance, and understands how restoring healthier hair growth can improve a person’s looks as well as their confidence.

Dr Chaudhary is an expert in the field of hair restoration and performs hair transplant procedures with great skill. He can address a range of hair loss concerns, including: male pattern baldness, female pattern baldness, patchy beards and thin eyebrows. The main technique that Dr Chaudhary uses at his clinic is FUE, which is considered to be a surgical procedure. There are many things Dr Chaudhary talks about during the patient’s pre-treatment consultation, and he encourages patients to express any concerns, and ask as many questions as they need to. A popular question from prospective patients is:

Is a hair transplant permanent?

The short answer to this is yes, a hair transplant is permanent, as it is a procedure that can not be reversed. However, there are a range of things that a patient needs to consider when it comes to their results.

Dr Chaudhary is an expert in his field. He has extensive knowledge on hair loss and, having performed numerous hair transplant procedures, understands how these treatments work to restore areas of thinning and lost hair. He carries out a thorough pre-treatment consultation and will discuss the proposed hair transplant procedure at length. As well as explaining how the procedure is carried out, he will ensure the patient understands the results that can be achieved, which often depends on how well they respond to treatment. In many cases the way a person heals will determine the final outcome.

Restoring hair growth is more likely to be successful with a patient who is considered to be a good candidate. This usually includes two factors: having enough hair growth in other places to be able to extract donor hair, and having the ability to regrow hair on the affected area of skin. Dr Chaudhary will always explore the possible cause of hair loss, and donor hair can come from many areas – such as the head or chest.

Dr Chaudhary is an honest surgeon, who realises that he can not guarantee a full and thick restoration of the affected area. In many cases, a realistic goal is to expect ‘fuller’ growth, rather than ‘full’ growth. It has also been found on occasion, for the results of a hair transplant to change over time. Dr Chaudhary always ensures that his patients are fully informed before procedure commences, so that expectations can be exceeded in the majority of cases. If you’re considering hair transplantation, then always speak with a fully qualified surgeon and never, ever seek treatment abroad as you will need aftercare and support post surgery – after all, your care is as important as your hair! Speak with Dr Waqas Chaudhary at AHI Clinic today for an honest diagnosis of your hair loss concerns and let him take you on an exceptional transformative journey.

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