There are many factors to take into account if you’re considering a hair transplant procedure. Like many people, we’re sure your decision has been prompted by your growing concerns over hair loss. If you’re experiencing hair loss, you may be concerned about the ageing look it appears to give. This may also be accompanied by an unbalanced appearance, which you may not be used to seeing. For some of you, you may feel it puts emphasis on other features, making them more pronounced and noticeable to others.
Many patients visit us with what is considered to be age-related hair loss. This is known as pattern baldness which usually occurs during adulthood, often at the age of 30 or above. However, it’s important to note that hair loss is often a progressive concern that continues gradually over a period of years (10 years or more) before it stabilises. As with many concerns, there is no specific age at which pattern baldness begins, and how it affects you is most likely to differ from other people. Whether your hair loss starts in your early 20’s or late 40’s we will need to ensure it has stopped, or significantly slowed down before we’ll look to perform the procedure. This is because a hair transplant is only carried out in the region where hair loss has taken place. If we treat this area before hair loss has ceased to progress, you’ll be at risk of baldness appearing behind or infront of restored growth. In this instance you may be left with a strip of hair that looks unnatural. This may mean another procedure is required, and in the meantime, your aesthetic concerns will be on-going.
Whilst the minimum age for having a hair transplant is 18, we would advise most patients under the age of 25 to wait – unless the individual situation suggests you are suitable. Until hair loss is established (which is often the case with younger patients) it may be tricky to determine the likely pattern it will take. At AHI Clinic we treat patients of varying ages, usually from 30 years through to 60 or 70 years. We understand how appearance can affect confidence and self-esteem, especially for younger patients. However, to us, there is no maximum age at which you should stop wanting to look your best. And, if that means restoring a full head of hair, then that decision is yours.
AHI approaches each hair transplant case individually. An in-depth consultation is required to establish your suitability for treatment, and may consider the following:
- Reasons for wanting surgery
- Degree of hair loss
- Cause of hair loss
- Stability of hair loss
- Having sufficient donor hairs
- General health condition
- Medical history
- Allergies