HAIR CONCERNS PART 3 – Female Hair Loss – all you need to know



Female pattern baldness is a common hair loss condition that affects women most commonly between the ages of 30 and 60. It is characterized by gradual hair loss in a specific area on the scalp, usually around the crown or front and middle of the head, and can be an extremely worrying condition for a woman. 

It should be comforting to know that a certain degree of hair loss is perfectly normal. To see hairs in your brush, on the pillow or in the plug hole is a normal part of everyday life for both men and women. The difference when a woman is experiencing female hair loss, is that the hair in the affected area will usually start to thin and fall out at a rate of around more than 100 hairs per day and will gradually become noticeably thinner. In severe cases of female pattern baldness, a woman may lose most of their hair around the middle top of head or crown area  of the head. This can be quite alarming, but it’s good to know that this volume of hair loss only happens in extreme cases.

The UK estimates that around one in four women will experience female pattern baldness at some point in their lives. In the UK, it is estimated that over one million women have visibly thinning hair or bald patches.


There is no one cause of female pattern baldness, but it can be aggravated by many factors including: genetics, hormones, lifestyle, hairstyling with chemical and heating techniques, and medical conditions. About four in ten women with female pattern baldness have a family member with the condition, although not everyone with a family history of hair loss will necessarily develop the condition themselves. However, while men tend to experience hair loss in the frontal hairline and vertex, women usually retain their frontal hairline and instead have a loss in density in the frontal one to two thirds of the scalp. 

Research has suggested that female pattern baldness is linked to changes in hormone levels around the time of birth. It is also thought that women who suffer severe stress – such as during pregnancy or after giving birth – may experience a temporary acceleration of their hair loss problem, although this generally returns to normal within a few months.

Hair loss in females is classified according to the Ludwig Scale I – III, and has also been described as occurring in a ‘Christmas tree’ pattern with widening of the parting towards the front. In some cases, women have diffuse thinning all over. 


Although female pattern baldness is a common condition, there is no direct cure yet available. Treatment typically involves hair replacement products and therapies that help to restore the affected area of hair loss. In some cases, hair transplant surgery may be necessary to replace lost hair. As in male pattern hair loss, this condition is very treatable using a combination of medical and surgical procedures.For women, topical Minoxidil is the only FDA-approved medical therapy, but other medications (including Spironolactone and low-level light therapy (LLLT) devices) are cleared for use in treating female pattern hair loss. 

Hair transplant surgery is a safe and effective option, with more permanent and dramatic results. 


  • Female pattern baldness affects women of all ages, but most people who experience it are aged between 30 and 60 years old.
  • Female pattern baldness is a progressive condition. This means that the amount of hair loss is likely to increase over time. In about 10-15% of cases, this condition can lead to complete hair loss over the entire scalp.
  • Severe cases of female pattern baldness can be very distressing for sufferers, but there are a number of treatments and techniques that can help to improve the appearance of the hair, such as: styling, hormone therapies, lifestyle changes, dietary and nutritional changes, hair replacement therapy, hair growth stimulants and hair transplant surgery. 

If you are concerned about female pattern baldness, female hair thinning or female hair loss, contact Dr Waqas Chaudhary at AHI Clinic and we will be able assess your condition and advise of the best course of action for you. 


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